First-Person Account of Experience with Pure-O
This bold telling of one woman's struggle living with Pure-Obsessional OCD begins with the rapid onset of symptoms, follows the...

Hockey Player Discusses OCD
Former NHL player Corey Hirsch outlines his past struggle with unwanted, intrusive "dark" thoughts. This first-hand account delves deep...

OCD NJ Annual Conference
On Sunday, March 5, 2017 from 10am-3pm, OCD NJ will host its annual conference featuring a presentation entitled "Killing your mom, going...

Sexual orientation obsessions (HOCD) Explored
HOCD is one of the most common subtypes of Pure-Obsessional OCD. This piece highlights firsthand accounts of living with HOCD. OCD is a...

Exposure therapy (EX/RP) featured in The Atlantic
EX/RP for the treatment of OCD is prominently reviewed as the "gold standard" for the treatment of OCD, despite challenges that can make...

Compulsive Checking
The following article captures many ways in which OCD checking can be impairing. The power of OCD is demonstrated by the statement, "I...

Poignant Quotes
"You'll feel so homesick that you'll want to die, and there's nothing you can do about it apart from endure it. But you will, and it...

Food for Thought
“What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.” ― Eckhart Tolle

Anxiety Illustrated
While these drawings are intended for children to aid them in understanding anxiety, it is also a simple and useful representation for...

Research Supporting CBT for Social Anxiety
The findings of a recent analysis examining CBT and meds for social anxiety support the superior use of CBT over meds. The leader of the...