Online OCD Conference
The International OCD Foundation will be hosting their annual conference virtually this year. This conference will feature many exciting...

Dr. Jordan Levy Featured in IOCDF Newsletter
Dr. Jordan Levy's article In The News: Features of Topical OCD was recently featured in the International OCD Foundation Spring 2020...

OCD Awareness Week 2019
Ask the Experts: A Panel of OCD Treatment Experts October 14 & October 16, 2019 Attendance to these events are free and open to the...

OCD New Jersey Annual Conference
Sunday, March 3rd, 2019 is the next OCD New Jersey Annual Conference! The keynote speaker will be Dr. Alec Pollard presenting on:...

New Pure-O Article by Jordan Levy, Ph.D.
"Pure-O: An exploration into a lesser-known form of OCD" delves into common Pure-O subtypes, the quest for certainty, typical...

Pure-O Progression
The following account is a typical progression of Pure-O highlighted by the thoughts "Why did I think that? Am I an awful person? What is...

OCD New Jersey Annual Conference
Sunday, March 4th, 2018 is the next OCD New Jersey Annual Conference! The keynote speaker will be Dr. Martin Franklin presenting on:...

Pure-O Personal Account
This article focuses on the development and course of an individual with intrusive thoughts of cheating. The pervasive role of...

Dr. Jordan Levy Featured in Vice
Dr. Levy was quoted in a recent article, "Obsessively Wondering if You're with 'The One' Could Be Relationship-OCD." The comprehensive...

HOCD Misdiagnosed and Misunderstood
This recent piece sheds light on mental health professionals who lack a proper understanding of OCD. Individuals with OCD have a...